
ZUIHODEN  The mausoleum Masamune Date of the first feudal load  of Sendai-Han


The Mausoleums of the Three First Feudal Lords of the Date Family and Their Articles

Excavation of Zuihoden site (1974), Kansenden site (1981), and Zennoden site (1981 - 1983) was done upon reconstruction of the mausoleums, and the ashes of the three feudal lords were found in perfect condition along with a number of grave goods, such as armors and stationeries.
These items hold high values for history of Japanese culture for specific periods of use for each item can be studied precisely.

Excavated Grave Goods of Zuihoden Site

Over 30 grave goods, including armors, stationeries, daily goods (cigarette pipes), and European brooches, were excavated.

Excavated Grave Goods of Kansenden

As recorded in the Date Family Record, excavated grave goods of Kansenden included Itomaki swords, Uchigatana swords, Wakisashi swords and armors.

Excavated Grave Goods of Zennoden

Glasses, cigarette pipes and Uchigatana swords were excavated from around the funerary urn that was located within the tomb.
Inside the urn were about 10 grave goods, including ten Hoei Koban coins, stationeries and cosmetics.

Scientific Investigation of the Ashes of the Three Feudal Lords